Tuesday, August 23, 2011

August 19 - 21, insulating & paneling The Shack

It was supposed to be a rainy weekend in Delta, but we totally lucked out and had sunshine almost all Saturday and Sunday! Perfect weather for cutting plywood and insulation OUTSIDE.

We got to The Shack about 9pm on Friday night, the weather kept getting windier and darker and by the time we were inside heating up bison chili for dinner it was blowing and raining sideways. Luckily we were nice and toasty inside and you couldn’t hardly hear the wind at all. We did get all the insulation, plywood and mattress (for Mike and I!) unloaded before the rain….the kids are getting to be great helpers and even though the wind kept trying to make sails out of the plywood they managed to work together and haul pieces up.

As we were just about to eat dinner Mike spotted a cow moose and her calf out in the “yard”, they were nonchalantly munching away and meandering around the deck platform. Those are the first moose we’ve seen on the property out there….pretty cool!

Calf moose
Saturday we woke up to some surprise sunshine, so after breakfast we hauled almost everything out of the Shack and got right to work on insulating the roof, we were done by lunch time and we gave our leftover pieces to the downriver neighbor who is also building. He isn’t quite to the insulation stage yet, but he was happy to get the batts. 

After lunch we started the “paneling”, we are doing essentially the same thing we did up the Tek, using thin plywood like paneling. The stuff we got from Lowes wasn’t in quite as good of shape as we would have liked (it was a bit stained), but we are going to paint the inside anyway, so it isn’t a huge deal. Measuring and cutting for all the window/ door openings definitely took a while. Luckily Piper and Travis stepped up and made dinner (moose spaghetti) so Mike and I could keep working.

A wizard and rogue stopped by as they were out adventuring...
Sunday we finished paneling the ceiling & gable ends (again, in the sunshine!). We are really happy with the way it turned out, so essentially The Shack is done now except for inside & outside window trim and painting. Both of which can really wait until spring (the siding came preprimed).

We also hauled out some more pallets and improved the “boardwalk” a bit this trip. With all the rain we’ve been getting there were definitely some wet spots on the trail that we wanted to be able to step over. We headed out about 4pm so we could hit the Buffalo Center Drive In for one last set of shakes & burgers before their Labor Day closure.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

August 11-15 on the Teklanika

It was great to be able to spend four nights on the river…..it really lets you relax and get into “cabin mode”.
Copper River king salmon
Friday was beautiful, but the rest of the weekend was rainy off and on. Luckily it quit every evening so we enjoyed some nice big bonfires.

We all did some target practice with the clay pigeon launcher we picked up at a garage sale earlier this summer….that was lots of fun! The kids are getting better with the .410, Mike and I stuck to the 20 gauge.

The cranberry patch looks great, we’ll start picking those after the first frost.

Now that the nights are getting dark the owls seemed to be much more active this trip, we heard them calling a couple nights (Piper and I went looking for them, but no luck) and Mike was lucky enough to see a Great Gray Owl carrying a hare (still twitching!) through the woods! He said it was laboring along and then it landed on a tree right by him….how cool is that??

Tiki Torch Trails

Owl Searcher
We got a little visiting time in with some river neighbors too….we would have done a bit more but the rain chased us back to our own cabin.
One of the up sides to rain

Monday, August 1, 2011

End of Season

12U - Sassy Sliders 2011

10U - Marlins 2011

Copper River

We headed down to the Copper River on Saturday, July 23 with the Darrow Family. The fishing reports had been poor, but we were pretty sure that there would be decent numbers of fish to fill our coolers. We dip-netted for a couple hours that evening and got 15 fish, a little slow but not bad.

Sunday morning things started picked up and by afternoon we were averaging 20 fish per hour. We ended up with 98 sockeye and 2 king salmon. Not bad for about 10 hours with of dipping! We knew it was time to quit fishing when my last haul landed me on my butt on the bottom of the boat with a king salmon in my lap, a bent dip net handle and a ripped up net.

Bringing in a king salmon
Running back upriver

Fishy Freckles
The king salmon that almost got away

Tote with 42 sockeye
Time for rest and libations