Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fall Fishin' at The Shack

We headed out Saturday to the DCR after Travis’ first hockey practice….we didn’t end up leaving town until almost 4pm though since I was dealing with jersey sizing issues at the rink, we hadn’t loaded the boat yet and we still had to have lunch….geesh! Of course this all might have had something to do with the fact that we were out spearing whitefish until 1am the night before…..

Luckily the boat ride to The Shack is all about 5 minutes, so we had the boat unloaded and we were relaxing by the fire by 6:30. A beautiful evening with a lot less boat traffic than we see in the summer! More duck hunters too. We didn’t bring any shot guns this year, but I’ll bet we’ll try next fall.

We got our “new” Craigslist table & chairs set up and our snazzy flannel sheet curtains hung (yup, there are those advanced sewing skills of mine at work). The Shack is looking pretty nice inside if I do say so myself!

It got chilly Saturday night, we even woke up to a little bit of snow! We were quite toasty inside though, our kerosene heater worked great. We were really happy that we made the decision to insulate The Shack.

Fishing went well, when we got to our favorite coho (silver salmon) spot Piper caught two right off the bat. Then nothing for about 45 minutes, but then they really started to bite...



Our Delta friends showed up so we all fished together for a while then we headed back to the cabin to relax by the fire for a bit. Travis got really industrious and re-dug out the outhouse hole that had filled in after the rains we had late in the summer. THIS time we put a barrel in the hole so it won't collapse again!

We got off the river at just about sunset….the full moon looked amazing.

A great way to end boating season….although it is a bit sad to put the boat to bed for the winter.