Saturday, February 13, 2010

Let the Games Begin (by Travis, typed by Mom)

Today we had our first event, I thought it was really fun.  It was women's moguls. The line for food was maybe a billion miles long. We got to see the mogul hill lit up because the event was in the evening. The US won gold and bronze and Canada won the silver.

Dad even found a pair of mittens (the famous red canadian olympic mittens) on the sidewalk afterwards. 


Audra's additions:
It was a great day!  We caught the shuttle to Cypress Mountain at Simon Fraser University, a very pretty campus.  It was about an hour ride up the mountain and it was trying to snow when we got to the top, but the rain won out and it rained off and on for our entire stay.  Luckily it would let up occasionally so I felt OK taking out the camera. I'll download some pictures tomorrow.

I was surprised by all the "extras" we saw today that you don't see on TV....the course prepwork, the practice runs, watching the athletes talk to their coaches, and we learned that they play music as they race down the hill.....I had no idea.  The majority Canadian crowd would go wild everytime one of their athletes came down the hill.  They almost won the gold, it came down to the final run.  VERY exciting!  Piper said she was holding her breath during that last run.

Took the shuttle back "home" afterwards and since the food line at Cypress was "a billion miles long" we hadn't eaten anything but snickers & granola bars since breakfast; so we hit Burger King (how exotic eh?) since the IGA was closed.  We're definitely not in the US, home of the 24 hour markets!!

Time to hit the hay...

Cypress Mtn







Gold Medalist Hannah Kearney (USA!)


  1. Here's your Happy Valentines Day !! card. Wow, great pics, yes I watched them run the mogul but did not see the hats! Have fun!! Love ya

  2. Very cool to find the mittens! They are all the rave around the world I hear! With the maple leaf in the palm they are made for smiling and waving! Love, Cousin Cindy
