Monday, August 20, 2012

Cabin Visitors

This was Animal Planet weekend at the cabin. We saw a black bear on the boat ride in. He (she?) was in the woods, just on the edge of the river and he just sat and watched us go by. You could practically see his thought bubble: "There goes the neighborhood...."

Then there was another black bear on the trail camera that we have aimed at the porch. He was funny, you could see that he wanted to get on the porch, but he didn't want to use the stairs. He may have been one of the bears that had bit the full bleach bottle we leave on the stairs while we are gone. I'll have to see if I can upload the video here...

We saw a couple moose too, hopefully they stick around in September!

On Saturday we were just sitting down for lunch when we saw a big lynx come out of the woods onto the gravel bar across from us. He (she?) then walked down the gravel bar, took a drink of water, swam across the river and then disappeared back into the woods....very cool!

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